Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sat outside my front window. This story's going somewhere

So today i was at church right and bishop looks dead at me and mouths 'are you ok?' and I nodded. Then when the sacrament was being past I seriously hurt my mouth trying to eat BREAD! Grr! I am going to eat something solid tomorrow if it kills me! lol Anyways so I was waiting outside his office when brother blackwelder came up and I told him i needed a blessing. So after church him Brother Holladay and Bishop gave me a blessing. The funny thing? How did bishop know something was wrong with me? I did my absolute best to hide that i was in pain and it worked on everyone else but him! The only reason i even asked for a blessing is because i couldnt chew the flipping bread! How on earth does he have that intuition? All i can really say is that unless i just deal with the fatal pains of chewing I will be super skinny come march! Oh well! I wanted to loose tenish more pounds anyways. Just didnt think it would be like this :) But all in all I love my bishopric! I will truly miss them! :) They always know just when I need a smile or a hug. It makes me feel good to know that they are always there and that they do indeed love me and will truly miss me too :)


junebug said...

btw the pains in my mouth are my wisdom teeth! Why on EARTH would heavenly father create something so painful and irritating and useless? lol

junebug said...

I agree! I am so gonna miss him when i get married!

Katie said...

Mormon Bishops always know when something is wrong or people in general. Why can't you eat?

junebug said...

my teeth are KILLING me~!