Monday, March 22, 2010

It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife

So brian and i have been sick more often than not lately. But i have got to tell you... being married is so not what i expected. Its so much better. Once you get past the awkwardness of living with someone of the opposite sex its so so so much better. But i do have to say... I miss my friends and my family. But mostly i miss my mother. Its so hard to know that the only form of real communication i have with her is a cell phone. I really cant wait to see her next weekend! I miss her like crazy. I really miss just talking to her about everything even things I KNOW we wont agree on. But some good news? Brian likes my cooking! Whats funny is i mostly just follow recipes and add a few of my own things and ingredients. His brother, Josh also likes my cooking and as far as i know so does Joshs' girlfriend, Renee. I cant wait to go to Utah in a few weeks. I will get to see Alli if only for a second! I really miss her as well. I think i am going crazy... or im just way emotional... which is really odd. Oh well. Im sure once i see everyone I will feel better!

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