Thursday, August 26, 2010

I try to bring more More than I can handle (Bring it to the table) Bring what I am able

so lately I have been feeling like I am not doing my share in our household. I am a house wife. I clean and exercise and cook. So why do I feel like I am not doing enough just because I dont have a job? I will tell you why. Because every morning I wake up to the most beautifully handsome man ever. When I look at him I wonder how I was so lucky as to win his heart. Sure he is a bit dorky and a bit of a nerd. But I love him and he is so perfectly imperfect. Our marriage is the type where we can be silly together. I was jumping on the bed the other night and he just laughed. Not at me but because he could see how much fun I was having. We can play games together and we can have serious conversations. Our marriage is built on trust, love, and friendship. How much better can it get. Sometimes I just like to stare at him (until he realizes it and pretends he is psychic). He amazes me in every possible way. I can not wait to have kids with him. I know he is going to be a great father and I know that our family will not be perfect. No family is. But I know that he will help me in any possible way and he will always be there. He brings me flowers when Im sick or upset. He helps me keep the house clean. He makes me so happy. A lot of times I dont think he realizes just how lucky I feel or how happy he makes me. We have had our ups and downs... but what couple hasnt? What is important is that we can get through anything together. :) He is what keeps me sane. And he is someone I can go crazy with. I am so glad that we meet five years ago at EFY. I only hope that every girl could be as lucky as I am :)